Some of our rates have changed, new rates effective April 1, 2024.
Payment terms are:
Cash or Check Only, due at the time of pickup. ($40 fee for returned check)
The kennel is heated and air conditioned, while music is played at all times for their listening enjoyment, as well as mine.
We offer either large crate or large pen housing options with individual walk sessions 2-4x daily out on a 26ft flexi lead.
Kennel Hours
Pets may be brought for boarding or picked up during the following hours**:
- MONDAY through FRIDAY 7:00-9:00am and 4:00-6:00pm
- SATURDAY 7:00-9:00am
- SUNDAY 4:00-5:00pm
- Other hours by APPOINTMENT ONLY!
- The kennel is CLOSED for delivery and pick-ups on all major HOLIDAYS.
**There will be a fee of $45.00 for after-hours pick-up or delivery of pets, except in the cases of emergencies, such as hospitalizations or a death in the family. Voicemail is checked regularly, so please leave a message.

Boarding rates
Charges are based on a 24 hour schedule and we do charge for ½ days. We generally require a TWO-DAY MINIMUM stay.
As boarders sometimes only require an “overnight”, 1-day overnight stays (a.m.- to-a.m. or p.m.-to-p.m.) are possible with the following rates:
Pen – $29.50 / Day
Crate – $26.00 / Day
For 1.5 day stays, the charge is for a TWO DAY stay.
We do offer a discount to owners with 2+ animals, that share the same housing unit. We also apply a professional discount for those staying for long-term boarding. Please contact us for the details.
***Should your pet require veterinary attention during their stay, there will be a $45.00 fee to transfer your companion to a Vet within the Tecumseh city limits.

The dogs all get treated the same as for their care; the difference is the space available to them during their stay. The dogs all get walked 2x daily on a 26 foot flexi-lead on a 3 acre grass pasture. Additional outs available upon request for a minimal fee. We allow them time to “poop-pee-play” and then we bring them in. They get fed twice per day with the recommended food/amount provided by owner or kennel. I do suggest bringing the dogs’ regular diet as not to upset the intestinal system.
Pens (6ft x 4ft x 8ft, some pens vary slightly):
Pen – 1 Dog – $29.50 / Day
2 dogs of the same family in one: 24.50/day/dog
3 dogs of the same family in one: 23.50/day/dog
Crates (48x30x34):
1 dog: 26.00/day
- Geriatric guests:
10.00/day – additional TLC fee
Older boarders usually require “special” attention due to occasional accidents, changing of bedding, & needing extra time outs.
10.00/day – additional TLC fee
The additional fee of 10.00/day is added due to extra needs to maintain the potty training efforts. It is NOT advised to board puppies younger than 5-6 months as their vaccinations are not complete up until that time frame as well as the ability to handle the stress of boarding.
Daycare needs:
Please contact us for the details.

Play sessions “Runabouts”:
5.00/each time
The requirements for Runabouts are that the dog must be good with other animals and come to us when called upon on the 3 acre facility. These are WEATHER permitting.
Extra walks:
5.00/each time
We also offer extra walk sessions for those that do not wish to play or just need more time to potty or be outside to enjoy the fresh air.

We provide individual cubicles for each resident. The room has a viewing window with trees and birds outside for entertainment throughout the day. Cat friendly music piped in adds to the atmosphere.
This room gives comfort to cats and their owners needing to leave their feline friends.
The charge includes housing/litter pan/litter/food bowls/and daily care. Your feline’s regular diet is to be provided by the owner as cats can be finicky eaters. I use the granular litter BUT if your cat is fussy and you use the clumping style, I would suggest that you bring your own brand. I also want to mention that I do have a refrigerator in the kennel and those that feed a wet food, I can cap the remainder to be fed and keep it from spoilage until the next feeding.

Pocket Pets
Yes, we care for many creatures here at Golden Acres!

Special Services
Toenails – trim & dremel 20.00
Anal gland expression 25.00
Grooming services & EXIT baths with PREMIUM shampoos – Fee dependent on breed, can be discussed when setting up boarding reservations or at drop-off.

Special Needs
Injections 5.00 each
Miscellaneous special needs (ie. injections, various special treatments): please contact us prior to check-in to discuss an additional and appropriate fee.
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